You may be strapped with various economic requirements and if you are not able to carry out then, the life gets bit knotty. But with the advent of immediate cash loans, the solution is available for you. By taking the help of these loans you can easily meet such requirements. These loans are usually intended for the urgent financial requirements. These loans short term and because of being free from collateral, these refer to the unsecured loans it means, you will have to pay a bit high rate interest for these loans. Other than, being bad credit holder you can meet its entire feature equally akin to the good one, you can avail an amount ranging from £100 to £1500 for the withdrawal time period from 14 to 30 days, which can be extended as well for 2 weeks by paying extra charge. For having cash loans guaranteed without giving any security you have to fulfill some required criteria such as be employed together with stable income per month, citizen of UK, be aged over 18 years and have a valid active checking.